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Roasted Cauliflower Soup & Kale Salad

    I’m one of the “Heartwood Chefs” that doesn’t always stay on the straight and narrow when it comes to food.  I’ve had my battles trying to get off the sugar, and when life gets overwhelmingly busy, I have a tendency toward running and grabbing dinner somewhere, and that is usually at the wrong time and processed horrible “food”.  I know it’s bad, but I still do it.  Being snowed in, or even having time at home when I haven’t ‘put too much on my plate’, I do better. And luckily, I shop very clean, just to help myself avoid too many temptations.  I am a lover of the crock pot.  Once I make a few meals in here, and freeze them, I have healthy, yummy food I can grab without cooking. And I can stay out of the restaurants.

    Tonight I made Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Kale Salad, and it was yum and I wanted to Share it with you.