May 19 – May 23
Hosted by Ipsalu Tantra International
The Level 4 Cobra Breath opens you from the microcosm to the macrocosm, connecting the depths of earth and eternities of heaven.
Experience the evolution of the Level 4 Cobra Breath workshop including the same powerful practice and techniques, but at a more relaxed pace that includes sharing circles and Transcendental White Ceremony.
L4 will tie into our annual fundraiser/festival “Ipsalu Osho Festival May 23-26th. L4 ends on May 23rd, and the festival starts that evening.
Come for L4 or stay for both!
There is a special price for attending both events – see below.
* Cobra Breath Level 3
* 1 year of consistent L3 daily practice
*Completion of Chakra Cards
*Interview process with Nayano
Contact: Nayano at to interview
Level 4 Pricing:
$675 Before January 1, 2019
$725 After January 1 2019
Level 4 & Ipsalu Festival Combo
$1150 Before January 1, 2019
$1250 After January 1 2019
Contact: Roshani in the business office for additional information and to register at or visit their website