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    March 29 – 31, 2019

    Did you know Yoga is much more than physical postures?  YOGA is a holistic self-care practice.  During this retreat, we’ll explore many yogic self-care practices, beyond the physical postures (Asanas), that create health and WELL-BEING in our daily lives.  You will also have the opportunity to practice Gentle, Mindful Hatha (Physical) Yoga each morning and evening in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment. 


    DATE:  Fri, 3/29 – Sun, 3/31 – Friday evening/dinner through Sunday after lunch.


    Heartwood Retreat Center in Blue Ridge, GA.  (Address:  84 Eagles Pass) 

    Heartwood is a community of people living in a sustainable, intentional and loving way on 180 acres of beautiful, peaceful, pristine land.  


    $400 per person – 

    Includes Lodging​ (2 nights), 6 Meals, (Home-cooked w/ care), 

    4 Yoga​ Classes​ & related Activities – Friday through Sunday.


    ​20% Deposit due Monday, Feb 22. ​ ($80.)​

    ​25% Additional due March 15th.​  ($100.)

    Balance due upon arrival, Fri, March 29, at Heartwood Retreat Center​ ($220.)

    Refunds available ​until​ March ​15 (2 weeks prior to retreat.)​

    Payments can be made through PayPal at
    Zelle, Venmo or Check, payable to Leanne Allen
    (Contact Leanne Allen for details at



    6 delicious home cooked meals​ – Much of the ingredients are farm to table from the Heartwood Community.  Vegetarian and/or Vegan dishes.  Dessert included! 

    Fruit, snacks, hot tea ​&​ other beverages ​are available ​throughout the day.

    Please let me know if you have dietary restrictions.​

    ​Space is limited – ​*15-person maximum.

    Slow down and find PEACE in STILLNESS

    PRACTICE ASANA (Physical Yoga Postures)

    Receive a YOGA NIDRA Practice (Guided Meditation for deep Relaxation)

    Explore the YAMAS and NIYAMAS (Yogic philosophy for Self-Care)

    Learn / Practice PRANAYAMA (Yogic Breathing Techniques)

    Learn METTA MEDITATION (Loving-Kindness Meditation)

    CONNECT w/ NATURE (Hiking Trails, Spring-fed Lake, Waterfall)

    Experience a LETTING GO RITUAL (Release limiting beliefs)

    Explore BLUE RIDGE, GA. (Charming Shops)

    Enjoy HEALTHY MEALS which are prepared for you with care.  

    No shopping, cooking or clean up.  Fri pm – Sun pm.

    Delicious vegetarian and/or vegan!  Desserts included.


    The following link will take you to a list of services you can arrange in addition

    to planned retreat events.  These services are not included in the retreat price.

    Please contact me w/ any questions you have.

    Email or text 678/296-3726.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

    NAMASTE, Leanne